The CliniWaste Challenge
CliniWaste have safely and compliantly diverted more than 75% of Infectious Orange Bag Waste to the Offensive Tiger Bag Waste stream at the University Hospitals of North Midlands (UHNM), achieving a cleaner, safer, patient environment, providing substantial financial savings.
Challenge yourself on what could be saved, by using the CliniWaste Savings Calculator to work out the potential savings for your hospital!

CliniWaste achieved the UK's first mixed waste opportunity with UHNM. This includes the pre-sorting and transportation of Domestic and Offensive Waste in the same compactor for disposal at the local waste to energy plant.
Contact us below for your personalised quote:
“ At UHNM using the Waste system we have transformed our waste management service, which has involved the safe and compliant declassification of a large proportion of waste into non-hazardous waste streams through the use of staff empowerment and blended learning techniques.
The Mixed Waste solution has enabled a huge opportunity with the way we store, transport and dispose of waste –This whole solution is innovative yet simplistic. It is enabling the Trust to receive efficiency, operational and quality benefits whilst also bolstering our local economy by using its services.”
Louise Webster, Head of Environmental Sustainability
“ The UHNM Waste project has been a resounding success and an example of how clinical staff have embraced change.
The waste team have given nursing staff the knowledge, information, resources and support to enable them to decide the best way to dispose of waste in their clinical areas. Nurses know their patients better than anyone and are now able to make informed decisions as to the safest and most efficient way to dispose of waste.
In today’s current financial climate the clinical teams have been able to see significant cost savings for the Trust, whilst maintaining high levels of patient safety regarding infection prevention and control.
It was recognised that hospitals are busy places and nurses do not have a lot of spare time. Therefore a multifaceted approach was taken with regard to training and implementation, with face to face training, E-Learning, posters, cascade training and on-going visibility and support from the waste team.
This has been a superb example of how clinical and facilities teams can work together….it has been a “win –win” for all concerned. “
Jenny Clarke Matron Estates, Facilities and PFI